Just cruising around at his friend's house
Tuesday we went for a walk and ran to Costco. Putting Matt in my carrier's backpack position is definitely the way to go in a store like that! Wednesday we had a play date with a couple of friends, during which Matt spent time in the kiddie pool and ball pit. Thursday we went for a walk, then got some ice cream and visited a new to us playground with a big group from my moms' club.
Having a good time on the baby swings
Friday was a quieter day for us. But Saturday we went to Matt's first major league baseball game. Unfortunately the home team lost, but Matt and our friends' baby provided plenty of appreciated entertainment for our seat mates.
View from our seats
All three of us
Intently watching the game
Contemplating the action on the field
Thanks to our friends for inviting us and catching this great shot!
Entertaining those around us
Being cute
Deciding between two of his favorite games: "Got your hat" and "Got your glasses"
Posing with mommy
On daddy's shoulders for the 7th inning stretch
Going for a walk with daddy
Sunday was a quiet day at home to recover from our big city adventure.
We continue to introduce new foods to Matt. This past week his big new food was peanut butter; luckily he has no peanut allergy. He is less and less interested in eating from a spoon and wants to feed himself finger foods. In other developments, Matt is cruising along couches, etc., a little more and will stand for longer and longer periods by himself - although once he realizes what he's doing he sits down and goes back to crawling.
Just standing around
Waiting to Skype with Grandma and Grandpa
Helping me sort the recycling
A couple of photo shoots with mommy
Baby giggle fit!