As usual we were busy at the library.
Constructing at pajama storytime
Moving pieces around the game board
Creating "music" at Music & Movement
Matt listening intently
Magnetic tile construction
Doing the bead mazes
Andy got to go to Matt's school for the end of one day while I attended the parent-teacher conference. He really enjoyed that, as he sometimes is determined to go play when we drop off or pick up Matt. And Matt got a good report; his teachers are pleased with him in school and the progress he's made.
Playing with magnet tiles
Matt has also been learning a lot at his naturalists program. Andy and I sometimes show up a little early to play while waiting for Matt's class to return from outside.
We went to a birthday party for one of Andy's friends who had turned 1.Matt has also been learning a lot at his naturalists program. Andy and I sometimes show up a little early to play while waiting for Matt's class to return from outside.
Watching the birthday boy get serenaded
Enjoying cake
Matt attended part of a gaming festival with Jon.
Matt with his soccer video game avatar
We went to a couple of playgrounds, including one with a storywalk.
Matt crossing a rope bridge
Andy crawling through a tunnel
Matt drumming
Andy climbing up the slide
Woah, dinosaurs!
Look, a moose!
Matt helping Andy listen to information on beavers
Learning about sea birds
Matt in the mirror maze
Andy exploring air
Someone has snuck into the nest and is stealing the egg!
Climbing into the beehive
Meeting the corn snake face to face
Light tube fun
We went to an event at the Museum of American Bird Art to celebrate Earth Day and Audubon's birthday.
We attended a special event put on by the community group that does some of the library programs we attend.
With Pete the Cat!
Using magnifying glasses to get a closer look at honeycomb and a hive
Andy playing in water
Listening to the Pete the Cat story
Matt showing off his creation made while Andy was serving as a test subject
And as always we were busy at home.
Play Doh fun
Discovering that the holes in the laundry basket make places to hang toys
Rainy day fun
Batman in the Batmobile
Brotherly goodnight kiss
Silly swinging
Andy as Pooh
Trucks, trucks, and copters
An invented activity of coloring with wet chalk on cardboard kept them busy for a while.
A good dinner
Tunnel fun
A box boat
Swinging with a ball
Reading with Dada
Late afternoon backyard time