Monday, July 21, 2014

Week 37

Matt felt much better last week; we're hoping that continues, because his baby buddies have been getting sick. We ended up having a decently busy week, and hopefully this coming week will be similarly busy and fun. We're also having fun watching Matt reach his arms straighter overhead and becoming increasingly more articulate with his individual fingers; hopefully I can catch him doing some of his new movements in photos and videos soon.

Last week we went to a couple of baby play groups. On Monday we hosted one at our house, and the step between our family room and rest of the house was a big hit for all of the mobile kiddos.

Finally crashing after a very busy morning

Raiding the toy box because he was already bored with all of the toys we had out for play group

We had another play date mid-week to catch up with some friends we hadn't seen in a while. The five little ones had made up the youngest members when I first joined my moms' club back in January; now we have a huge group of infants and toddlers, only Matt and his one buddy are under one year old, and all of the original babies are at least crawling, if not walking.

Matt and his "birthday buddy": these two big, adorable, active boys are 1 day apart

Exhausted after a very active play date!

Thursday we participated in another study where they're looking at how babies play. We'll see how much useful information they got from watching Matt try to eat everything. That afternoon we went for a walk with a friend.

Enjoying a lovely afternoon outdoors

Friday we took an exciting little day trip: we went to the beach for the first time. The water was rather cold, so neither of us got too wet, but it was a good first dip into the ocean.

Saturday Jon and I took Matt to a couple of local places, a spring water bottling company with a marketplace and alpacas, and a park with a small working farm, consisting mainly of chickens, sheep, a cow, and a few geese plus a butterfly garden.

Baby's first encounter with alpacas

Checking out the sheep at the sheep pasture

That evening one of my friends came to visit; we had been trying to meet up for a while, so it was good to catch up. Matt had a good time being cute and silly, and she brought some yummy snacks and dinner from which Matt managed to sneak bites, proving just how adventurous of an eater he is.

Having a good time and showing off his speed

Thanks, Jeannine, for the visit and the photos!

Sunday was a nice lazy day at home, with some time playing in the yard and on the increasingly finished deck.

We're still adding more herbs and spices to Matt's meals, and he has now eaten some new fruits, dates and coconut, and fish, specifically salmon. He also managed to steal some crackers from us, so apparently he's good with crunchy foods and wheat. And he revisited avocado, which he hasn't had since his first week of eating solid foods. He gobbled it up, eating half of one over the course of two days!

Feeding himself nectarine and playing with his spoon

Some other photos from the week:

He has reached the height limits on his jumperoo but still enjoys the occasional brief stint in it; it'll be joining the rocker seat and kick & play mat in the basement soon, though.

Fun with bags and boxes

The cat's patience for the small shouting, grabbing, increasingly faster crawling child has just about run out.

Flashing his eight teeth (four on top, four on bottom)

How does this thing start?

So many toys, so little time...