Today Matt is 14 months old. Sadly, he was under the weather: he and I came down with a stomach bug at bedtime last night. It has been a while since Matt has been sick, but our luck ran out. After several hours we both turned the corner, thankfully. We were able to spend a quiet day at home today, and Matt spent most of the day napping. It looks like someone brought the bug to our play group on Friday morning; at least two other kids who were there came down with it at the same time. We're hoping Jon escapes this!
Snuggling on the couch for a nap
Anyway, Matt is a very active 14 month old. He is so very close to running. Combine that with an increased sense of self and an increased desire for independence, and he keeps us busy. Matt has definite opinions about things which book he wants to read when - and how many times in a row. He really likes to look at the Christmas tree, the lights we put up around the porch, and the Christmas cards I taped up to the back door. He's going to be very upset when we take those down, as we look at them multiple times a day.
Matt has added a couple of more words to his vocabulary, notably "duck." He seems to be trying to say "blue" and maybe even "red," too. Right now, however, he is obsessed with cats, dogs, and ducks; he points them out, whether they're real or in a picture. He's getting better at recognizing more specific types; he tries to group other birds in the same category as ducks, but sometimes he recognizes that they're too different to be duck. In fact, Matt has been very good at making connections lately; he'll match up a picture in a book to something he sees somewhere else or look for the cat or his stuffed dog if he has something in his hand that mentions cat or dog. He's also very interested in saying words. If he doesn't know or can't say the word for something else he'd like to point out, he uses "that" (well, it's more "dat").
We haven't measured how tall Matt is or how much he weighs recently, but as of the first of the month he is now wearing 24-month pajamas and 18-24 / 24-month shirts; he'll probably switch over to 24-month pants sooner rather than later.
Matt now has 14 teeth, with 2 more on their way. One of his bottom canines appeared just in time for Christmas, and the other one followed soon after. The upper canines aren't far behind.