Matt really enjoyed watching the kangaroos, although he was disappointed when they stopped hopping.
Matt's favorite activity: feeding the goats...
... and the alpaca.
He found the lions uninteresting since they were, as usual, just lounging around or sleeping.
Ring-tailed lemurs
Warty pigs
Watching the Amur leopard drink
Sloth bear
Matt also enjoyed watching the monkeys (and the meerkats, but I didn't get a good photo of them).
Posing with the monkey in the banana car
Matt's second favorite part: playing in the sandbox (and the accompanying tunnel, once a 2-year-old joined him)
Golden lion tamarins
Being bats
After we finished at the zoo, we went to the accompanying playground for a little bit.
Climbing up and checking out the faces on the bugs and sun
Sliding down his currently preferred way