We went to several playgrounds.
Climbing all over the fire truck with friends
Attempting the rope bridge (successful on the way up, but needed some help on the way down)
Spinning the steering wheel
Pushing the merry-go-round
One of the playgrounds was new to us, but we're definitely going back because it offered some different things (plus lots of shade and places to sit).
Dig digs in the giant sandbox
Bouncy ride-on dinosaurs
Neigh neigh!
Playing trucks with a buddy
We went to a storybook walk sponsored by our library.
Reading the book (photo courtesy of the library)
Trying to read and keep an eye on what everyone else is doing
Sidewalk construction plus pumpkin cupcakes made for one successful playgroup.
Whee down the slide at a buddy's house
Enjoying some peas and a hot dog during dinner at a friend's house
Trying to give his friend a hug
Matt tried to claim the train for himself.
Matt still loves cars and trucks, especially construction vehicles and fire trucks.
Backyard dig digs
Watching the construction in the Y's parking lot
With his blue car at home
And he'll play with any train set, especially ones that "hook" together.
At the children's museum (yes, he put that very long train together pretty much all by himself)
Matt still loves reading.
Reading to himself on the couchAnd he still likes his puzzles and easel.
Trying his hand at the library's alphabet puzzle
Doing a little painting
Winnie the Pooh has been his fairly constant companion this past month.
Making sure Pooh gets food and drink
A boy and his bear
Down for a nap
Some other photos from the past month:
Sitting with his favorite stick
Playing with his favorite stick, looking like he's trying to disperse the rain clouds with a wizard's staff
Blowing bubbles and watching airplanes (yes, his sweatshirt is on backwards, but he put it on himself)