In addition to the outings I've already posted, we did go on a few other little trips.
We went to one of the small local zoos.
Watching the otters
Looking at the sloth bear
Unimpressed with the lazy lions
Digging in the sandbox with some buddies
Riding the bananamobile
We also went back to the zoo and playground we visited for the first time earlier this year.
Riding a bouncy animal
Saying hi to the pigs
Looking out of the train window
Our moms' club has been going on a tour of local playgrounds.
Riding a big wheel motorcycle and scooter at one playground
Driving the Jeep
Getting bolder on climbing structures
Watching a dig dig with a friend
We found a few train tables while out and about.
At a local library
At a bookstore
We found a Lego store at a local mall.
Trying out the Duplos
Getting acquainted with some of the many, many Duplos he has at home
We went to the Curious George birthday party at the library. One of Matt's Curious Georges came with us and posed for a photo.
(photo courtesy of the library)
We also went to the dairy bar a few times, including on Father's Day.
Feeding a goat
We also had a busy time at the annual town day this past weekend.
Having a good time on the Fun Bus
And one more outing: we've been doing some swimming lessons with some of Matt's buddies.
Getting more comfortable in the water
All of those excursions made for a hungry kid.
Eating blueberries with a fork in both hands
With the warmer weather we have of course spent a lot of time outside in the yard.
Kicking his soccer ball
Trucks, trucks, and more trucks digging in the sand
First dip in his pool
Sometimes the heat chased us inside, though.
Painting, stickering, and more
Coloring in a catalogue
Play Doh
Putting blocks on the (unamused) cat
Fixing cars
Bouncing on his Rody
Thinking inside the box for easier access to his puppets
Matt has definitely undergone a lot of growth the past couple of months. His imagination and ability to do pretend play has increased noticeably. He has also, well, had an increase in personality. He can be more stubborn, sassier, and even disobedient, but he is also sillier, goofier, and better able to communicate with other kids. He is also more likely to get upset when something bad or frightening, like losing a hat, happens to a character in a story or show. And Matt is getting more independent as well as interested in asserting his independence. We see this the most in the fact that Matt can now undress and dress himself - and he wants to do it all himself.
Matt successfully took off his pajamas, then picked out and put on these clothes (yes, the shoes are on the wrong feet), for the first time.