In triceratops pajamas - "Little Stomper"
In a Patriots onesie, which looks like he will outgrow it by the end of the day, if not certainly by the Patriots' first game
Andy continues getting bigger and more alert. He is sleeping slightly longer stretches at night; he has moved up from 3-4 hours straight to 5-6 hours straight, although after that he tends to wake up fairly often. (That said, he isn't doing that every night yet, and of course he doesn't let us know ahead of time which it will be!) We have confirmed he also likes being outside in the fresh air, although if we go out in the morning he almost always sleeps through the whole excursion. Andy is still wearing 3-6 month outfits, although I realized I had been putting him in 6-month outifits, too, and they weren't exactly huge on him. (And he's wearing 6-9-month sizes in Gerber, which, thanks to Matt, we already knew was a brand that thinks babies are skinny and short.)
Awake and ready to interact
Relaxing in his rocker, which he discovered a couple of weeks ago he can make move by kicking his feet
Watching big brother play with dinosaurs
Quick snooze
Ready for more