Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Andrew's Week 21

Andrew's last week or so has been rather eventful. He cut his first tooth over the weekend (one of the bottom ones)! I suspected it was coming, but it seemed to have popped out without too much trouble. But then he started feeling off on Monday, and Tuesday morning he woke up early sick. After a quick trip to the pediatrician, where Matt was very helpful, it turns out our luck of avoiding ear infections and avoiding a doctor's visit for anything except well visits for Andy has run out. Poor baby has an ear infection in both ears. Luckily treatment started helping almost immediately, and he is well on his way to being back to his normal, happy little self.

At the doctor Andy weighed in at 18 8.8 pounds. I ended up swapping out his 9-month clothes for the 12-month ones this past weekend. He probably could have gotten another week or two out of the 9-month, but a lot of the pants were riding up his leg, and with the colder weather I figured longer pants weren't a bad thing!

Over the weekend Andy discovered he can make a "Bffvvvv" sound. He is very pleased with himself over his expanding vocal range and convinced he's really talking now. In fact, one of the signs he was sick was that he wasn't chatty - or grabby. (Matt didn't mind the lack of grabbing!)

Here was our past week:

Watching big brother play hockey at sports class on Tuesday

Playing with blocks

At our playgroup's holiday brunch on Wednesday 

Talking to the baby in the mirror


Showing the baby the elephant

Tired baby on Thursday

Waiting for Matt to finish gymnastics clas on Friday

Catching a nap

Watching the snow on Saturday

Making silly faces

Definitely teething on Sunday

Enjoying his new warm overalls on Monday