Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Happy 14-Month Birthday, Andrew!

Monday, September 25th, marked Andy's 14-month birthday.

Andy remains a busy little bulldozer. He is on the go constantly and starting to pick up the pace. If something isn't where we left it, chances are he's the one who moved it or even threw it away. One shoe missing from a pair is becoming a very common theme around here... Andy is tall enough to reach door handles and has no problem pushing doors open and pulling out drawers - then going through everything. And if you hear banging of any sort, Andy is almost always the ringleader. We have to admire Andy's persistence, even if it means we have to remove him from somewhere he's not supposed to be over and over and over.

Andy still likes playing in water and outside as much as possible. Outdoors he enjoys playing with sticks, going for a swing, and climbing up, then sliding down, slides. He still loves the sandbox and fortunately seems to have slowed down at least slightly on his sand consumption. He enjoys playing with vehicles, too, and he likes shaking things that make sounds, whether it's a toy, musical instrument, or box of pasta. He has slowed down on acquiring language, perhaps because he seems to be getting most of what he needs from shouting "uh uh," pointing, or just plan grabbing. He clearly understands a good deal.

We are seeing signs that maybe Andy's canines - the last of his baby teeth before his 2-year molars - are trying to come in. He is drooling, cranky, clingy, and very into brushing his own teeth.

We spent the morning of Andy's 14-month birthday at the playground with some friends. Andy was very busy, although he wasn't too thrilled with the fact that I wasn't feeling well since that limited his ability to run everywhere. But he tried out all of the bouncy rides.