Friday, March 23, 2018

February 2018 Recap

I'm afraid I'm behind on posting again. February found us rotating through various colds and other viruses, and March has found us slammed with big storms, so I haven't had lots of time to do work on my computer.

Anyway, here's what we managed to do in February:

We spent a lot of time at the library.

Light table fun

Building taller and taller

Making a call

Playing while big brother participates in programs

Listening to stories

Craft and coloring time

On the rocking chair

Fun with scarves

Curious George at the library (the smaller one lives at the library)

We were able to go to the playground a few times.

Matt conquering climbing structures 

Taking it for a spin 

Off goes Superman 

Sliding (Whee!)

In and under the fire truck

Playing on rocks with sticks 

Running around after friends (photo courtesy of a friend)

Giving his brother a push

Sitting down 

Exploring the nature play space while waiting for his brother to finish class 

Intrigued by the bouncy crab 


Going through the tunnel

Matt continues to enjoys school.

With a garage he constructed

And of course we kept busy at home.

Construction fun

Making pizza

Watching Curious George

Enjoying a snack

Reading with the cat

Stickers everywhere!

Riding a bike through snow

Testing out the ice in the back yard

Stomping through snow

One of the first days to dig in the sandbox this year


Backyard swinging


I think this final photo just about sums up the month for us: