Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 13

After staying at home during week 12, we were back to being social butterflies this past week.

Monday we ran a few errands and went over to meet someone who wants to plan regular get-togethers where kids play while moms work on projects. Unfortunately the almost two-year-old and almost three-month-old didn't let us get anything done this time, but fortunately we made new friends with whom we'll go for walks when the weather improves. For the first time Matt interacted with someone other than an adult. At first the two boys didn't know what to think of each other; the toddler was jealous of the attention the baby was getting, and the baby was ignoring the toddler. But then Matt and the little boy took a long look at each other, and when the toddler started imitating Matt's "talking," Matt burst into a big grin. The two were fast friends after that.

Tuesday we went to our moms' group's infant playgroup, hosted by the mom of the baby who's one day younger than Matt. Matt was a little cranky, probably because we threw off our new routine. Still, he did take a good look at all of the babies there, who ranged in age from almost three months through eight months. And we got a glimpse of what our future will probably be like: the one six-month-old boy was very large for his age, just like Matt is, so now I have a better idea of exactly how big he'll be in three months. Jon and I better ramp up our strength training!

We had a chance to go out Wednesday, but Matt needed a day of rest, so we stayed home. I apparently had worn him out the previous few days because he was zonked during his naps. He must have needed some time to process all of his new experiences! I know we both appreciated not going out into the bitter cold, too. Matt takes after me: he does NOT like being cold.


Thursday we met our local moms' group at a local coffee house. Matt was only one of two babies there, so I got a chance to chat with moms who have older kids and who are very involved in activities and committees around town.

Friday we went to another baby-friendly movie showing. This particular theater shows more independent films, so this week we saw some Oscar-nominated shorts - not my first choice, but the real attraction was being able to meet up with Jon for lunch afterward for our first meal out as a family. We would have enjoyed the outing more if things had gone more smoothly. Matt was so interested by everything - he loves looking at the restored Art Deco decor, and I don't blame him - that he got overtired and cranky. That wouldn't have been a problem except someone without a baby who was super serious about her Oscar nominees managed to get into the showing. She became increasingly annoyed that babies were doing what babies do, glaring and even jumping up to ask parents to take our fussy babies outside. (Note to moviegoers: if you don't want a baby to "ruin" your movie experience, don't go to a movie showing designed for parents with babies!)

After that frustrating experience we enjoyed a quiet day at home on Saturday. Sunday we took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather and went for a walk in the local state park. The path was muddy and slushy, but it was nice to be outside after so many weeks of bitterly cold weather. Matt got to see lots of other people and some dogs, and he saw his first horses, too.

Now onto some photos!

Chubby cheeks meet their match: gravity.

Here is Matt sucking his hand, as mentioned in last week's post. Notice he's not really sucking anything, other than maybe his knuckle. You may or may not be able to see the grin behind that hand. Such a silly baby...

Matt's hand-eye coordination, fine motor control, and grip have been noticeably improving. A few weeks ago he started holding onto our fingers with a purpose, but this past week he has broadened his interest and ability in grasping things. Here he is playing with a set of "keys."

And here he is playing with a set of links. (Excuse the burp halfway through.)