Monday, February 17, 2014

Week 15

This week was a quiet week for us. With Matt's growth spurt in full swing and two more snowstorms we weren't able to do much, so it's a good thing we didn't have a lot planned. We did make it to our moms' club's Valentine's Day party on Friday, which was a lot of fun, especially since we met another birthday buddy for Matt, a girl born the day before him. With so many baby friends, Matt is poised to be one outgoing kid.

I don't have much to report in terms of our activities, but I do have some photos to share.

Who could resist picking up this adorable baby with a plea like that?


Since the end of last week Matt has been sticking his tongue out a lot. He'll stick his tongue out when someone does that to him, but he prefers to grin in response.

Here is a video of Matt with his stuffed bunny, although as you'll see he's not as interested in hugging it as he was last week.

Who's cute as a button?

Another thing Matt has been doing since last week is rolling from his back onto his side and back again. He started doing this in his crib (of course - why not try out new movements in a place meant for sleeping?), but he loves doing it on a blanket on the floor or his play mat, with or without holding onto one of the toys.

Ah, sleep.