Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Week 25

I know I'm a little behind, so here's week 25's post. Better late than never, I hope!

After our very busy week, we had a very quiet one this past week. Monday we had baby play group. Tuesday we went to Costco - very ambitious with a child who loves grabbing everything, and I mean everything, and who has a very strong grip... but I have to say life is so much easier when one can sit one's child down with a few toys while unloading the car. We stayed home the rest of the week after I came down with a sinus infection. Matt's big adventure of the week was on Saturday, when Jon took him to the library to meet some baby animals during their Earth Day celebration.

The piglet wisely chose to sleep during the whole event, but the puppy dog was awake.

Matt stayed busy, however, working on his teeth. The two bottom teeth were in by the start of last week, and the two top teeth should be within a couple of weeks, if not sooner.

Flashing his new toothy grin last Monday

He has also been working on pushing up onto all fours in preparation for crawling.

He's still working on getting the actions coordinated, but it's only a matter of time...

If someone props him up on all fours, he'll stay for a few seconds.

Some other photos from last week:

Sitting around, inspecting his sleeve and chewing on the toy puppy dog's bone

Enjoying the sunshine and daffodils at the local state park

"Are you taking pictures of me again?"

Sitting down at the piano

Spending a little time on the back deck