Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Labor & Delivery for Andrew

Andrew came a little faster than Matt: my water broke around 12:30am on Monday, July 25, and I delivered him later that afternoon. The same doctor who had delivered Matt had just started her shift when we went in, and she delivered Andy, too. Unfortunately I don't have as many photos from his delivery, as extra hands were needed to check him over once he arrived. (He checked out perfectly fine, but they wanted to make sure because he came out with the umbilical cord around his neck and hand plus had some fluid in his lungs.) In the end we're thankful to have the healthy, strong, happy baby we have, and we'll take plenty of pictures of him now that he's here.

We would like to thank the doctors and nurses at the hospital for their care of us. And we would like to thank all of our friends and family who volunteered to be on call to watch Matt and especially those who stayed with us to help take care of Matt and things around the house while we were waiting and while we were in the hospital. The logistics were definitely trickier the second time around, but we were able to work things out. (Luckily we also beat the traffic, both rush hour and game day, in and out of the city, as we did the last time.)