Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Andrew's Week 33

This past week ended up being rather eventful for us. The highlight of last week may have bene the visit from Uncle Vic. The low light was Andy getting sick. Yesterday (Monday), we headed into the doctor to check on Andy's nasty cough. It turns out the poor little guy had the beginnings of an ear infection and croup. With a winter storm fast approaching, we made plans on what to do if things got worse before they got better, but luckily we haven't had to use them (and the storm was downgraded from a blizzard with 12-18" of snow to eventually 5" of snow and some rain).

Anyway, here was our week before sickness hit:

Watching his big brother do his dinosaur faces sticker book

As of this past week Andy can clap his hands. Here he is mid-clap.

Playing dinosaurs

Holding Rocket, the stuffed dog, while Dada and Matt play dinosaurs

After library story time

Doing a study on infant language learning

Snuggling with Mama and Matt in bed

At an indoor play space

With Curious George (and dressed in his matching sweatshirt) at the library "March of the Stuffed Animals" STEAM program

Saturday morning fun with Mama

Drawing on the chalkboard with Matt

Someone tackled the stairs for the first time. He made it to the third stair before being scooped up. And, yes, the cat was his inspiration.

Got you, kitty!

Peacefully sleeping

Going through big brother's supplies at the easel

Making goofy faces

Holding his arm out

Baby's first selfie?