Saturday, March 25, 2017

Happy 8-Month Birthday, Andrew!

Andrew is 8 months old today!

Andy is feeling much better after the cold turned croup and ear infection of almost two weeks ago. He seems to be working on some more teeth, though, so he's not entirely back to his usually happy and determined self all the time. But he was in a great mood today! He was crawling everywhere, pulling up to stand and cruising as much as possible, and alternating between making one of his favorite sounds, "bivvvv," and blowing raspberries while sticking his tongue out.

Andy has gained so much confidence in his moving over the past few weeks. He has increased his speed with his crawling, although he still primarily thinks of crawling as a way to get to an object or person he can use to pull himself up to stand. He appreciates being able to spend time exploring on his own. He has mastered the step up from the living room but is still figuring out how to get back down. We've had to readjust the hook on the downstairs bathroom door to allow Matt and the cat in as needed but keep Andy out. (Andy can't pass up splashing all of the water out of the cat's water dish.)

Andy is still working on his pincer grasp and isn't quite ready for finger foods yet. But he is enjoying his expanding menu. Since I last updated he has tried potato, turnip, zucchini, and beets; peach, nectarine, cherry, and papaya; and nutmeg, thyme, and ginger. Of those his favorites were peaches, cherries, and papaya. He actually likes his vegetables, including root vegetables, although he didn't think much of potatoes by themselves.

The tower has a new occupant, who is very pleased with his suddenly higher vantage point. 

Crawling through the tunnel for the first time and very much enjoying it