We stayed at home this year and enjoyed a fairly quiet holiday. On Christmas Eve we picked out our tree from our back yard and decorated it. Matt slept pretty much the whole time. In future years he'll hopefully stay awake during tree-trimming so I can tell him more about the ornaments we have that I used to hang on the Christmas tree as a kid, including my (or is it my sister's?) Baby's First Christmas ornament.
We all slept in Christmas morning, something we probably won't get to do after next year! After brunch we opened presents. Again Matt slept pretty much the whole time. So Matt didn't realize (and still isn't really aware) how lucky he is, with all of the toys, books, blankets, and clothes everyone so generously gave him for his first Christmas. (Matt now has plenty of clothing to last him through the 12-month size, which he'll no doubt reach before 12 months! And I'm going to have to get him some more bookshelves, a problem this family of bookworms is happy to have.) We are very grateful for all of our gifts, especially since we all got so many great things to do or use as a family. Many thanks to the new grandparents, aunts, and uncles as well as the great-grandmothers and great-aunts!