Last Monday we had Matt's 5-week check-up. He weighed in at 12 pounds 11 ounces - although he's at least 13 and a half pounds now - and was pronounced healthy. That was my first real outing alone with Matt, and we upped the ante by then stopping by some friends'. The rest of the week Matt was busy working hard to grow big and strong in time to reach his 6-week birthday. We see him fill out and get taller before our eyes each day; in fact, I swear outfits that fit fine in the morning become a little too snug by the end of the day (if they last that long, that is). In fact, Matt only has 3 articles of 0-3 months clothes that still fit; otherwise he is in 3-month or 3-6 month clothing. In other milestones, Matt is straightening his legs out more and more. He'll stand - with help, of course - on our lap with his legs straight. His neck is stronger; he can hold and turn his neck quite easily and well. His eyes are focusing better, and he's starting to follow better as he or objects move. And we're seeing some more smiles, but they're still involuntary.

Chubby cheeks and a squished mouth
Happy baby!
Ahoy, matey!
Making silly hand gestures while asleep
Working on holding his head up during tummy time