I'm a little behind posting this week because we had our first visit from grandparents. Jon's parents were in town this past weekend, so needless to say we were all very busy paying lots of attention to Matt. He is going to be disappointed with how quiet the rest of this week will be (well, quiet with the notable exception of his check-up, and I know that will not be an acceptable substitute!).
Even before our visitors' arrival we had a fairly eventful week. We went to a small but cozy playgroup on Monday. We also survived having Jon away on a business trip; fortunately he was only gone one night. He and I each had a quick night out with friends and my moms' club, respectively, earlier in the week, and we needed to recharge because teething started in earnest on Wednesday. Poor little guy: he's very uncomfortable. (If I thought Matt was somewhat cranky during growth spurts, I hadn't seen just how cranky he could be.) Since we don't yet see the tooth it might be a while before he's his usual jolly self all the time. I was worried he'd be cranky all weekend, but his grandparents' visit served as a very welcome distraction. Teething discomfort struck again today, which is why this post is so late, but we did manage to squeeze in a lunch at a nice sit-down restaurant for some last moments with the grandparents before they caught their flight home.
I'll add some photos since someone is napping for the time being.
Matt looks so big, both in terms of size and age, in this pose!
Matt discovered the banana on the jumperoo and was batting away at it. It was apparently fascinating.
Here's our happy little guy. And, yes, there's a dog on his shirt and another one on his socks.
Sneaking in a quick nap. All that playing with grandparents can wear a baby out!
Despite Matt's face here (he was just hungry, as per usual), he really did enjoy his Grandma and Grandpa's visit. They had only seen each other on Skype before this weekend, so it was exciting for both them and him to meet each other in person. They brought lots of toys and books and clothes for him to enjoy, but he most appreciated spending time with them and interacting with them face to face. He certainly had a lot to say this weekend to his appreciative audience! Now that they're on their way back home he's going to miss being passed from one set of arms to another, hearing how cute he is even more often than we tell him, and having a great time with people who love spoiling him (and by whom he loves being spoiled).
Grandpa and Grandma especially made sure to take lots of photos, even more than I normally take. Here's a nice shot his grandma took of Matt snuggled up in my wrap for a nap. Thanks to her for snapping and sharing this one!