Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 18

I've already reported on our major outing last week, Matt's 4-month doctor's appointment, so I'll post about some of Matt's recent developments and share a few photos and videos.

Some new things Matt has been doing recently:

- The Friday before last he had his first big laughing fit. He laughs a little here and there, but this was the first time he broke out in a good session. Jon had just gotten home from work and was holding him when Matt looked at us and started chuckling. He hasn't done a repeat performance, but hopefully I can catch one of his future giggle fits on video.

- About the same time he started sucking on his bottom lip, an action undoubtedly related to his teething. (That darn tooth isn't in yet!) I guess it gives him a break from gnawing on his hands (and giving himself a drool-aggravated rash, which fortunately is doing much better with his new doctor-prescribed skincare regimen, although as you can see he doesn't like wearing mitts while we try to give his skin a chance to soak up the lotions).

- Monday Matt realized he could touch his feet. He's already started to play with them, and I'm sure he'll soon be pulling off his socks and putting his feet in his mouth.

- Starting on Saturday Matt can now sit in a "tripod" stance for a few seconds. In other words, he can sit on his own for several seconds by putting his hands on the ground in front of him. (Forgive the blurriness; I was trying to get the photo in before he lost the position.)

Now for a few other cute photos:

Hello, there!

Trying to fit his new car in his mouth

Here are two videos of Matt really going at it in his jumperoo. The first one, from earlier in the week, is shorter, and the second one, from later in the week, has more two-footed hopping.