Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week 19

Sorry for the delayed post; I just got too distracted to finish and post this yesterday as intended.

We had several play groups / moms' groups get togethers in the first half of the week, during which Matt met even more baby friends.

Matt continues to explore his feet.

And he managed to wiggle some of his toys off of his "jungle gym."

Another growth spurt then hit mid-week, disrupting Matt's newly established pattern of sleeping through the night (5-6 hour stretches) but allowing him to check off milestones and make other developmental leaps in rapid succession. In a 24-hour period, starting Friday evening, Matt

- figured out how to pull glasses off faces. Jon's are easier; mine didn't come off until Mon.

- started pulling himself upright when leaning back in a seated position. He can't pull himself all the way up to sitting by himself yet, and if he's leaning forward or to the side, gravity still takes over. But his strength and sense of balance is improving, and soon enough he'll be able to sit on his own for more than a few seconds and then seat himself.

Seated at his keyboard

- began rolling from his back onto his belly. He realized he could use momentum to continue his back to side movement in an effort to grab a toy just out of reach. Unfortunately for him, since he still dislikes being on his tummy, he hasn't figured out how to reverse that motion yet. Anyway, this video shows maybe his 5th attempt. Sorry about the camerawork; I wasn't expecting him to pick up the pace that quickly!

Before I get to this past week's final big event, I want to share a couple of cute photos:

Our final big event of the week was Matt's first parade. We went with some families from my moms' club to a nearby town's family friendly St. Patrick's Day parade. It was great fun, and we weren't even interested in catching all of the candy the participants tossed! Here are some highlights: