Monday, June 16, 2014

Week 32

We may not have had much planned last week, but it ended up being a busy one after all! Since last Monday, Matt has started
- taking 3 rather than 4 naps a day
- pulling himself to standing on his own
- feeding himself from large chunks of food (for example, a piece of watermelon)
- kneeling unsupported
- crawling (he was close, but now he's moving in all directions officially)
- transitioning from all fours to sitting and back again
- standing unsupported for a few seconds
- trying to begin cruising
- babbling, as in "ga ga ga", as you can hear in this video:

Believe it or not, most of that happened this past weekend!

And we actually did a few activities in there, too. This past week started off differently than originally planned, but it all worked out in the end. Monday we were supposed to stop by baby play group before going to see some friends and get Matt a booster shot, but both hosting babies needed to make their own doctor trips (everyone's OK, fortunately). So we ended up going for a walk with a friend from my moms' club, then getting Matt's shot, before seeing our friends and talking another stroll to enjoy the nice weather. Matt's friend is pulling up to stand very well; Matt ended up serving as a platform for him. Perhaps his buddy served as inspiration for Matt to try it himself the next day!

Tuesday we went for another walk with another friend with a baby. Her baby actually managed to catch a toad while we were walking! Matt was content to ride along in the hiking carrier.

Wednesday we had the day off, and then Thursday I went into work to do a program. Friday we were supposed to go to the zoo with some friends from my moms' club, but the rain forced us all to change our event to a play group. Matt decided to take a long nap instead, however, so we missed seeing our friends. Saturday we spent the day at home, which was good because Matt was ready to check off the milestones (perhaps the reason he was so sleepy on Friday...). Finally, Sunday we went to Matt's first baseball game in an event organized by my moms' club. We saw the local independent league team win it in the bottom of the ninth. Very exciting!

Checking out the grass outside the stadium

On the field


In the home team's clubhouse before the game

Checking out the batting cages

Baby goat at the petting zoo

Standoff with the baby pig at the petting zoo (if the animals look familiar, the petting zoo was run by the same place that was at the library a few months ago)

Game on!

Run scored

Watching the game

Kisses from KO, the kangaroo

Cool kid

Walk-off win!

Matt has enjoyed eating from his increasing variety of fruits and vegetables this week, adding bananas and plums. We didn't mean to wait so long with bananas; we were taking advantage of what's in season, and bananas kept getting bumped in favor of fresh fruit. The wait was worthwhile, though, as Matt loves bananas, especially mashed into his oatmeal.

A sweet potato and oatmeal mustache, and yummy peas smeared all over a happy baby face

Finally, a few more photos:

Goofy baby

Ripping through The Economist