Thursday, June 9, 2016

An Outing to Plymouth

Yesterday Matt and I met my sister, Elizabeth, and her husband, Bill, in Plymouth. We enjoyed the great weather as we toured Plimoth Plantation and then the main stretch of the Plymouth seashore.

At Plimoth Plantation
One of the highlights for Matt was the reconstructed winter house in the Wampanoag Homesite, where he got to touch deer, bear, raccoon, and skunk pelts.

Matt trying to grind corn at the Wampanoag Homesite

Matt asking Bill how they can move the cannon at the fort

Matt checking out the 17th-century board game

Looking at the baby cradle and bed in the 17th-century English Village

Looking at one of the home gardens

Checking out the kitchen hearth in one of the 17th-century homes

Watching the chickens (another highlight)

Checking out the milking Devon cattle

Sitting on a triangle chair to listen to the gingerbread recipe

More chickens...

Looking at the heritage breed goats and sheep in the barn

Making friends with one of the goats while the llama looks on warily

Enjoying a ride back up to the parking lot (he did a lot of walking!)

Along the Plymouth seashore

At lunch, making faces at the baby at the next table and waiting for his food

Checking out the Mayflower II

Curious why we stopped to see a big rock (yes, that's "Plymouth rock")

Matt decided not to nap on the way home, and since our driveway was under repair we went to one of our local playgrounds for the rest of the afternoon.

Riding on the bouncy animals

Digging in the sand

Having a quick seat

Driving a car

Riding a bike

See saw

In the hippo

Smelling a rhodedendron

Exploring the musical scale

Going for another ride