Thursday, June 25th, was Andy's 10-month birthday. (So sorry this is late: as soon as Matt recovered Andy got sick, ending in his third ear infection in the past six months. Both boys seem healthy right now, so hopefully we get a chance to catch up on everything, including posts.)
We went to the library for Matt's storytime.
Concentrating on the beads
Someone has been busy looking through the board book bin
Distracted while reading
Enjoying some Cheerios
Sorting through the recycling
Andrew at 10 months is very busy. He crawls and cruises very quickly, and he is so mobile he hasn't bothered to try independent walking just yet. He stands independently very well, able to do lots of things while standing on his own. And he wants to climb. He can climb up a whole flights of stairs and often tries to climb on things like the couch, which he can't quite get up on by himself yet. He has been focusing on a lot of other skills lately, like stacking something on top of something else (one of his favorites is to put a piece of food on top of his water cup) and feeding himself (he can almost feed himself with a spoon). He likes to play peek a boo. He will often squat down to hide his face, then pop back up when playing, too.
Andy continues to be very vocal and expressive. He knows almost half a dozen signs, including milk, more, all done, and sleep, but he prefers to make his own gestures. He makes lots of noises; among his favorites are "blah," "bah," and raspberries. He has said "Mum mum" while crawling toward me several times, so he may have said his first word already.
Andy has 8 teeth. He puts them to good use eating a wide variety of things. He eats a variety of textures, too, from purees to solids. So far he has not shown any reaction to any type of food; if all goes well he will hopefully remain food allergy-free. Among his favorite foods are crackers, waffles, strawberries, pumpkin, sweet potato, cheese sticks, and fish. Andy doesn't seem to have the sweet tooth Matt does. He has shown a preference for slightly sour foods, actually.
Andy is still in 18-month clothes and size 4 diapers, but not for too much longer, especially since he went on a growth spurt once he hit 10 months (which is still ongoing!).