Monday, June 26, 2017

Happy 11-Month Birthday, Andrew!

Yesterday Andrew turned 11 months old.

He is one very active little guy! He is into everything, especially if it involves water, sand, or dirt.

Andy fairly consistently uses Mum-Mum/Mama when he wants me, although he also says it for Jon, too. (However, if you say Mama he looks to me, and if you say Dada he looks at Jon.) He has about half a dozen signs.

Today Andy took a couple of unsupported steps. He wasn't aware of what he was doing. Jon said he would most likely first walk without realizing it, and he was right. The more Andy thinks about taking an unsupported step, the more he hesitates to do it. In many ways that seems counterintuitive because Andy is otherwise so confident, so mobile, and so active.

I'm going to transition Andy to his 24-month clothes. He still fits in his 18-month clothes, although his 18-month onesies and rompers are getting harder to snap, but we have more 24-month summer clothes.