Sunday, June 18, 2017

Maine, part 2

Here is the second part of our trip last weekend to Maine, covering Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday morning

Saturday was sunny and just warm enough, a real change from the day before. We went back to a few spots in Acadia we wanted to see in the sun and/or closer to high tide.

Thunder Hole

We returned to Thunder Hole to see it just about at its peak, a couple of hours before high tide. You can see a real difference in the amount of spray! And it was louder, too. We stayed long enough to catch a really big wave that splashed us!

Andy watching (and probably wondering how he can go splash in there)

View toward Otter Cliffs

Matt looking at some puddles on top of the rocks

With Andy

Otter Cliffs

We then took a little stroll along the Otter Cliffs to watch the waves.

Matt and Jon watching the waves

Looking back inland

We had a picnic lunch in Northeast Harbor before heading out on a boat ride.

Andy going through the diaper bag while Jon and Matt get lunch at the food truck in the distance

Andy playing in the tree leaves

Saturday afternoon

We all went for a boat ride to explore parts of Mount Desert Island and the Cranberry Isles.

Matt and Andy preparing to go on their first boat rides

Here we are, ready to go (photo courtesy of my mom)

The lighthouse had a pair of bald eagles sitting on the roof.

We got off at one of the Cranberry Isles to take a look around.

Some of the houses, with lilacs and lupines in full bloom,My  and lobster traps

Matt (eating his ice cream) and Jon looking at the lobster traps

My dad (and Matt) looking at the old truck

We saw lots of sea birds, including loons, cormorants, and guillemots.


We saw several osprey nests, too.

Checking out the geography of the coastline

Andy unsure about being held by his grandfather (he would rather cruise around the boat!)

After the boat ride, we tried to go on a little hike on a carriage path, but Matt decided he was too tired.


Checking out the nature

Saturday evening

We had dinner with everyone at a restaurant just outside Bar Harbor, right on the water, which was at low tide. We headed over a little early to explore and then went back out after we ate.

Looking for interesting finds

Andy on an ocean beach

Low tide meant more room for exploring

Andy examining a bit of shell

Andy exploring the seaweed and barnacles on the boulder

Matt having a hands on experience with numerous sea creatures

Andy enjoying some bread at dinner

Matt's crab shell

Andy exploring the boardwalk

Matt and Jon headed back to the ocean

Andy checking out the lobster traps

Comparing the fresh water stream to the salt water

Jon and Andy

We then headed back to the cabins for some blueberry pie and a very early birthday celebration for Andy.

Matt showing off his beach finds to Aunt Liz

Matt naming the dinosaurs on his new shirt

Matt showing off his new Lightning McQueen and Mater towel


Sunday morning Andy and I were up earlier than Jon and Matt. Andy "helped" me get ready to go.

Andy cruising around the porch

"Sweeping" the porch

We didn't make too many stops on the drive back, but when we got gas there was a Tim Horton's. Matt enjoyed his Reese's Pieces peanut butter-filled chocolate donut.

And so we survived our first big road trip!