Monday, July 24, 2017

Karina & Joseph's Wedding - Reception

After Karina and Joey's wedding, it was time for the reception. The boys managed to have lots of fun.

Matt playing with some of Joey's nephews on the dance floor

Matt blowing bubbles with his Uncle Chris

Matt inspecting the creek with his Uncle Chris

Matt making goofy faces with Mama

Cutting the cake

Matt vs. cupcake - before

Matt vs. cupcake - after

Andy inspecting some monarda

Andy in the canyon

Fun with bubbles
Matt looking at the bunny statues

Andy posing with a frisbee

Andy splashing in the drinks tub (He loves water!)

A very wet Andy

Matt among those waiting for the garter toss (he didn't get it!)

Matt dancing with his Aunt Karina

One last dance with a bridesmaid while Andy watches

Andy enjoying a ride from Dada

And with that we headed home with two tired boys.