Andrew turned 16 months on November 25th.
Getting ready to go down the slide
Happy swinging
Playing with trains, one of his new favorite things
(The bandaid is covering a patch of rug burn that has already healed. Andy still takes a few tumbles when he's tired.)
All of the things I wrote about Andy last month still apply, some even more so. He has gotten into trains, to add to his love of all things vehicle. He is continuing his interest in drawing; he will scribble with pencils, markers, and chalk. And he still likes shaking things that make noise, throwing things, taking things out and reorganizing them as he sees fit (I find the pantry contents rearranged often), sweeping things along the floor, climbing, and running around while being chased.
Andy is developing into more of a toddler. He will throw a tantrum, but usually he reserves fussing for when he's tired. He is getting harder to dissuade from something he has set his mind on doing, in part because he's getting heavier and thus harder to pull away. He wants to be more independent. He will often open the pantry door, get out his snack, and then close the door before walking right up and demanding you open it. Having a big brother as a model seems to have inspired him to do a lot of things like that. And he comes and sits in the bathroom whenever someone goes in there, as if trying to imitate what they're doing.
As of the first of December Andy is up to 30 words and 14 signs. He has added banana, book, cake, bath, give, spoon, good, and food to his words. He waves hi, and he also signs please, bath, and food. His vocabulary is definitely increasing. And he also likes to do more things like place his socks and shoes over his feet or point to his ears, then your ears. He is also clearly understanding what we're asking him to do more and more. He'll climb onto a chair and then sit down on his bottom when asked.
As of the first of December Andy is also now in 2t clothes. They're a little big but not that big. He's still wearing toddler size 6w shoes, but he may not be for too many months longer. All of Andy's canine or eyeteeth seem to be in, although the last one is just coming through, so he only has four more 2-year molars and then he'll be done (probably just in time for Matt to start losing teeth...).