Thursday, December 14, 2017

November 2017 Recap

And it's halfway through December already, just like that. November was a bit of a hectic month for us, so here is what I managed to take for photos:

We went to some programs at the local playground and the library.

I went walking and saw some animals...

Andy having fun with the stamps (photo courtesy of the library)

Matt with his latest light table creation

Andy hammering away

With both boys listening to a story

Andy building (well, unbuilding) train tracks

Parachute fun (although Andy needs to follow directions better!)

Andy with me watching Matt do some experiments

Fizzy science experiment fun

Andy and Matt watching colors mix from Skittles

Andy trying to get in on the experiment fun (photo courtesy of the library)

More train fun

Andy coloring

Playing at the light table

Andy "helping" at one of Matt's programs

And we went to a program at the Museum of American Bird Art the day after Thanksgiving.

Getting inspired by photos of landscape art

Making nature-inspired collages

Sandbox fun

Matt, conquerer of the rock

We enjoyed some playground time when the weather cooperated.

Peek a boo!

Slide fun

Running through fields with trees

Playing in the sand kitchen while waiting for Matt to finish class

Looking through colored rainbows

Running up and down the bridge

Sand kitchen fun

Matt in a good mood after a good day of school

Happy swinging

We did a couple of studies. Now that Matt is 4 he's eligible for studies on how kids learn to read.

Working hard at being a test subject

Matt worked hard at school. Here's one photo we got from them:

Proud of his creation

And of course we did a lot of playing inside...

Playing on a train table at a friend's house

Playing on a train table at an indoor play space

Surveying the contents of the playhouse

Matt playing a game

Matt proudly displaying his completed puzzles

Andy helping to make banana bread

Andy looks too comfortable there...

Brotherly train fun

Playing with the train (although he prefers to take apart the quarry set in his best Godzilla impression instead!)

... and we did some playing outside, too.

Matt jumping in a pile of leaves

Going for a bike ride

I already posted about Matt's birthday, but here are a couple more November birthday bits:

We restocked our costume box thanks to after Halloween sales as part of Matt's birthday present.

A Ninja Turtle

Captain America

A leopard

Andy thinks the Captain America mask makes a better hat.

We had cake for my birthday, and then Uncle Vic and Emily babysat the boys while Jon and I went out to dinner.

Singing "Happy Birthday"

Waiting to blow out the candles

The boys joined me for a belated birthday lunch.