Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy 17-Month Birthday, Andrew!

Andy's 17-month birthday was on Christmas, and he was definitely very busy that day. He was having so much fun he refused to nap!

As of the end of December Andy has added over a dozen new words to his rapidly expanding vocabulary: please, pear, foot, banana, bed, shoe, vroom, blue (which more or less means any color right now), tea, cheese, bell, baby, there, bread, and boo. He signs "wash hands," to add to his signs. And he pretty consistently nods his head yes now (he has been shaking it no for a couple of months).

Andy is in the midst of a massive growth spurt, both mental and physical. He is developing new skills even faster than he's getting bigger. I thought he might be in 2T clothes until the spring, but one or two more days of non-stop eating and he'll be ready for the 3T clothes and toddler size 7 shoes. (Luckily we still have Matt's, including a full set of winter gear.)

Andy is still a happy little guy. He wants to help, although his idea of helpful doesn't always match up with what would be helpful. He's eager to throw things away and help with laundry in particular. His big brother doesn't always appreciate Andy's eagerness to play with him, but they do play well together at times.

Andy continues to love splashing in water, driving vehicles of all kinds, trying to pet the cat, scribbling, pushing things around, and running in circles around the kitchen island. Andy is starting to ask for books and sit through some part of them more and more. But he still prefers more physical activity more often.