Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Happy 2nd Birthday, Matt! (Part 1)

Today is Matt's second birthday! I'll post about the first half of his day while he's still napping, and I'll post again after we have our big birthday celebration later this evening.

After he woke up, he read a book or two on his own.

We then got dressed and headed downstairs, where Matt discovered the decorations we put up after he went to bed.

After breakfast, we read some more.

We then went to the children's museum.

Driving choo choos

We attended music class there. Matt sat through almost the entire 45+-minute class, which is a long time for him.

His favorite part was definitely the parachute with Grandpa's help. He's watching the farm animal puppets bounce around in it.

Fire engine - weeee!

Preparing lunch for Grandma

We then headed to the outside part for some sunshine on this really nice autumn day.

Playing the musical frogs

Testing out the butterfly wings

Celebrating his birthday with some pretend cake

More to come later tonight (or perhaps tomorrow)!