Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Happy 2nd Birthday, Matt! (Part 2)

Today is Matt's second birthday. I posted about the first half of his big day during his nap time, but now that he's gone to bed I'll post about the second half of his day.

When Matt woke up from his nap, he was excited to see the big train birthday banner we hung while he was asleep.

Checking out the trains

But what he really wanted was his cake. Once Jon got home from work, bringing one of Matt's uncles with him, Matt got to help add the finishing touches.

Putting the train cake topper on

Then it was time to tackle the mountain of presents!

Unwrapping some presents

Trying out his new matchbox cars on his ramp

And his new road rug

Playing with his new fire truck, with its hose, ladder, and "guy"

Trying out his new bean bag toss

Then it was time for dinner.

Salad, ham (one of Matt's current favorite foods), and pumpkin gnocchi

Finally, it was time for the triple chocolate cake, made by Matt's Grandma (with a little help from Grandpa), and vanilla ice cream, made by Jon.

Eagerly awaiting the Happy Birthday song

Happy Birthday! (Sorry for the vertical video.)

Helping to cut the cake

Taking a bite


He had some time to revisit all of his new goodies, especially his new trains (He got one from us and one from each set of grandparents, and he could not have been more excited.) ...

Choo choo!

... and books, before bed. (He did have a hard time settling down to sleep after all of that excitement and sugar).

All in all, it was a terrific birthday for one happy little guy. Happy birthday, Matt!