Sunday, November 1, 2015

October Recap

I've already posted about some of our October activities; here are the rest.

The weather has turned a little colder, but we still got out to enjoy the outdoors a fair deal.
Checking out the cranberry bog

And the fish tank inside

Last month of dig digs outside

Finishing up some work around the yard and house before the winter weather arrives

Taking a walk through our woods

Just relaxing

Blowing bubbles at the moon

However, we had a lot of fun indoors at home.

Big fire truck! And a firefighter coat and hat!

Building train tracks (sometimes with the cat's supervision)

Reading books

Playing doctor ("Baby sick!")

Going for a ride

Art fun with stickers and drawing

Playing with all of his toys

And we had a lot of fun inside at other places, too.

At the Totplex

At the library

At open gym

Banging on a drum at music class

Checking out the new grocery store, which has car carts AND a train (it was hard to leave!)

Finally, here are a few miscellaneous photos:

Pretending to be asleep

Walking around in Dada's shoes

 Trying to get the cat to play with him (since she won't read to or with him)