Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Happy 3-Month Birthday, Andrew!

Today Andy is 3 months old. Last week he weighed in around 16.4 lbs. and measured just over 25 inches. He is pretty much wearing just 6-9 month clothes now, especially after yesterday's late little growth spurt, and I'm preparing to put the 9-month sizes in his drawer soon.

Andy has shown a lot of development this past month. He spends more time alert, and he is very alert. He can see better and farther now. His favorite thing to watch - after us - is the ceiling fan in our main family room. A couple of weeks ago he noticed the cat for the first time. (She still keeps her distance from him.)

Andy is currently working on grabbing things voluntarily. He had started to show more ability to touch things he wanted to explore, but now he is trying to reach out and grab the things he wants. (His efforts to will them toward him have not yet been successful.) He has been bringing his hands to his mouth a lot lately. He is already trying to bring other things to his mouth, too, to explore them with his tongue.

Andy has rolled over twice, from his stomach to his back. He did that for the first time on Thursday. He hasn't quite repeated that for us at home. He is still working hard on rolling from his back to his front. He can make it almost 2/3 of the way, but he hasn't been able to will himself all the way over just yet. He needs to figure out that he needs to use his muscles to do that.

Andy is a very social and happy guy. He continues to smile a lot. He loves interacting one on one with anyone when he can get that undivided attention. Diaper changes are actually one of his favorite things because of the focused attention from mom or dad. He is also quite vocal, and I do think he has gotten even louder as he has had to compete to be heard. I'm not too fond of the shrieking he has started to do, especially since he and his brother feed off of each other once that starts. But Andy is showing a pretty good range of sounds and noises.