Andy continues to be one busy little guy. He rarely passes up a chance to play with water, especially if there are rubber ducks or other toys in it; sand; and cars and trucks. He still loves Curious George and Pooh, and he likes dinosaurs and trains still as well. He enjoys building, even if sometimes he needs some assistance. He may enjoy knocking things down even more, much to his brother's chagrin. He is a little more cautious when climbing up high and sliding, but he loves swinging high. He enjoys reading books, but whereas Matt tends to read pretty much anything Andy is more particular. Stories about cars and trucks, dinosaurs, etc.; books with lots of sound effects; and books with things like flaps or other things to do are big hits.
One of Andy's biggest milestones is that he now has all of his baby teeth. His last two two-year molars broke through this past month and are just finishing up. We're all looking forward to more sleep.
Andy continues to add more words to his vocabulary. He is up to over 120 words. This month he added belly, button (he loves to push buttons), star, trash, change, eye, deer, helicopter (he goes for "copter"), rock, robot, egg, giraffe, caw, tractor, dig(ger), mouse, tree, pants, and bag. Hopefully soon he starts adding a second syllable!
Andy's 3T clothes are fitting more comfortably, and he's in size 7 shoes now. He certainly is growing well, and he often gets comments about how big he is.