Friday, April 6, 2018

March 2018 Recap

Here are the rest of our March adventures, dependent upon the weather, which swung from heralding spring to bringing back winter:

We managed to get out for a playdate with friends.

Silly Andy with a Bilibo on his head

We went to the library a lot.

Doing the bead maze

Cars and dinos in the dollhouse

Building with Peeps

Sailing his Peep boat

Building with various materials

Parachute fun

Creating a painting by blowing paint

Batman watching his brother's program

Playing with scarves

Side by side coloring

Rocking with Curious George

We ran some errands.

Helping me get more wood pellets for the pellet stove before one of the storms

We went out to eat a couple of times.

Matt being adventurous at a sushi restaurant

At our usual pizza/Italian restaurant, playing with dough

Matt and I went to a special owls event at the Audubon's Museum of American Bird Art.

Matt posing as an owl

Making an owl scene with a friend

Watching an art student throw a clay pot

Matt with his owl puppet

Matt enjoying the owl cookie he decorated while waiting in line to see some live owls

The boys and I went to a maple sugaring event.

Matt after trying the yoke with buckets

In the sugar shack watching the sap boil

We participated in a couple of studies.

Waiting to meet the researchers

And we had several snow days as well as other days at home.

Watching the snow during the first snowstorm of the month

Waking Matt up for school

Tigger shortly after waking

Andy reading a book with me shortly after waking

Trying to help shovel after one of the storms

Rocking a bear in the chair

Racing cars down the speedway

Brotherly bedtime cuddles

Enjoying some snacks (mac & cheese for Andy, toast with homemade marmalade and hot cocoa for Tigger, who decided tiggers prefer something else on toast)

Play Doh fun

And when the weather cooperated we played outside in the backyard with the items I brought out when I thought spring was on its way.

Scanning the yard

Swinging as the snow melts

The first bug of the season, a spider

Walking through the remaining snow