Sunday, September 17, 2017

An August Sunday at the Zoo with Friends

This is my last post from August. After this I'll be able to start posting about September, and hopefully by the end of this week I'll be all caught up on posting.

We spent the last Sunday of August at the zoo with friends. Matt and his buddy were more interested in playing with each other and climbing on all of the playground equipment scattered around the grounds, while Andy would have preferred to see more animals. But they all had a good time in the end.


Pygmy hippo
Giant anteater


Matt trying to climb up

Getting a hug from his friend

Look at Matt climb!

Driving the jeep into the lions' den (last photo of Andy courtesy of our friends)

The smug tiger

Andy enjoying his wagon ride

Exploring the wildebeest "bones"

Petting zoo

Children's farm - chicken 

 Climbing up to the eagle's nest in the children's zoo

Andy and Dada stalking the peacock

Matt climbing on the "fallen tree"

Through the tunnel




Being watched by the giraffe

Matt crossing the bridge

Matt whooshing down various slides

Matt going for a spin

Andy playing the chimes