August 25th was Andy's 13-month birthday.
At 13 months Andy is always on the go. He is so busy! He almost exclusively walks, and his gait is switching from toddle/drunken sailor to a more normal motion. He has picked up the pace but isn't running yet, although as we get closer to his 14th month I may not be able to say that much longer. He still pushes chairs, other pieces of furniture, and anything that he can move around. He is known as the furniture mover at the library.
Andy remains a smiling little guy. He's not particularly snuggly but appreciates a hug on his terms; he still likes a little reassurance now and then. We are dealing with some separation anxiety and clinginess thanks to all of the growing he's doing these days. Despite that, he has an independent streak that is coming out even more now that he's a toddler. Andy is just as determined and focused as ever. It's hard to deter him from something he has set his mind to doing, particularly going into some place he's not supposed to, like the bathroom or behind the librarian's desk. He will not be redirected or distracted by something else. He is definitely a toddler, confident he can hold his own and insistent on getting his way, with a little tantrum if that's not the case.
Andy like stacking things like blocks or cups, he loves playing in the water and sand, he likes bouncing on a lap, and he loves walking around exploring. He also insists on putting the lids on everything, on being in charge of who has what on their head or doesn't, and taking things out or off of boxes, chairs, etc., especially if he can throw them. He likes swinging, climbing up the slide and the sliding down on his belly, climbing, going for a ride in play cars or carts, and playing chase.
Andy remains very interested in communicating. "Cat" remains his most used word; he points her out regularly. He likes the "ba" sound, which he uses for ball, balloon, and bubble. He'll say "p" and point to planes going overhead. His first two-syllable word was "outside," which comes out more "ow i." And he signs "more" now, especially for more swinging or more height on the swings. His most common sign is probably "all done," however. He seems to prefer his own gestures to formal signs, though, and he has no qualms about pointing or gesturing to get something he wants.
Andy has finally gotten all of his 1-year molars, and his canines will be coming through within the next couple of months. He is wearing 24-month clothes and size 5/5.5 shoes - for now.
Worn out Andy lulled to sleep in the swing