Monday, September 11, 2017

Another Outing to Plymouth

My last belated post from July!

At the end of July Jon's childhood friend, his wife, and their three kids joined us for a morning at Plimoth Plantation.

Matt in a dugout canoe at the Wampanoag Village

It was an overcast and unseasonably cool day, but that meant it was relatively quiet at the plantation.

Boys on cannons - the fort was probably the highlight for them

Matt and his new friend also enjoyed following the chickens

... while Andy studied the cows.

We then went into the Plymouth to visit the grist mill.

Watching the water wheel

Matt trying his hand at grinding corn

Andy playing in ground corn

Matt coloring a corn husk

Checking out the mechanics of the water wheel

And because we were close by, we stopped to see Plymouth Rock so our friends could check that off their list of things they have seen.

Yes, that's it!