Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Windy Day Zoo Doubleheader

Yesterday Matt wanted to go to the zoo. Even though the weather was windy and a little chilly, we headed out to a local small zoo. Since some of the animals were still in their winter homes and it was too cold to play on the playground for long, we headed over to another nearby park with a small petting zoo to round out our trip. Needless to say, it was a busy morning!

At the first zoo

Checking out the kangaroos

Stopping by the bear before we watched the Amur leopard play with a paper bag

Listening to the lions roar

Being watched by a monkey

Trying to get a little time in at the playground

At the second zoo in the park

Riding past the goats

Being checked out by the emus

Listening to the turkey gobble while the golden pheasants ran around and the peacock squawked

Watching the pot-bellied pigs eat

Watching the goat and llamas

Climbing on a train

Exploring the boat at the "beach"

Rocking on the see saw

Pushing around a dump truck

Someone fell asleep on the way home!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Happy Spring!

Yesterday may have been officially spring, but we had some snow. Matt wanted to go outside and check it out.

Walking through the yard 

Trying to dig his "machines" out from under the snow 

Pushing the bulldozer

Friday, March 18, 2016

St. Patrick's Day

A happy belated St. Patrick's Day.

We took advantage of decent weather to visit our favorite berry farm.

Saying hello to the sheep and asking them how they were doing. 

Riding the bouncy creatures

Climbing in the tires

Riding the horse swings

Pushing around the bob cat...

...and the dump truck in the giant sand box.

The impending storm sent us home.

But after the rain came a rainbow.

Running outside to see the rainbow

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

February Recap

I almost got this post up on time!

February had some bitterly cold days, when the wind chill dipped as low as -30F, some snowy days, and some windy days this past month. But we also had days when the temperatures reached the 40s, 50s, and even 60s, meaning we actually got to spend a little time outside.



At the park near Dada's work

But other times we stayed inside, where Matt found plenty of things to keep himself busy.

Making a "cave" by crawling under the sheets

Hiding in the closet

Intent on playing with his food

Doing a puzzle

Building his own track for trains

Reading with Dada

We had a few special events, including an open house at a local camp and a Valentine's Day party.

Petting the degu

Trying out an obstacle course

Climbing through

Balance beam

Swinging on the rings

Eating his decorated cookie (perhaps more frosting and sprinkles than cookie by the time he was done!)

We also did a number of our usual activities: playgroups and playdates, library story time, and open gym.

Working on a puzzle with a buddy

This month Matt experienced some firsts. He attended his first puppet show, about Peter Rabbit, at the local library. The guy also explained how the puppets worked, making it a nice introduction to puppets. Matt also took his first sports class with buddies from our moms' group. He wasn't too sure about the class aspect but enjoyed playing some of the games. And Monday he started his first set of classes, a combination of gymnastics (more of an obstacle course than tumbling), open gym, and pretend play.

Crawling through the tunnel at the sports class

Running for the line

Finally, a few other photos from our month.

Life with a toddler

Cuddling with his bear

Goofy hats

All worn out