Saturday, September 23, 2017

A Morning at Our Local Children's Museum

This past Thursday we spent the morning at our children's museum, which was recently freshened up. Both boys played hard and had a good time.

Matt painted his face all by himself: in progress and the final result

Working together at the mailbox

At the train table

Andy considering taking the helm

Andy in the rocket ship

Driving the fire truck

Enjoying the new additions to the dinosaur room

Taking turns giving check ups to bunnies and babies in the doctor's office

Apple Picking

This past Monday we went apple picking. (I wanted to make sure we got out before the tropical storm passed by.) We got plenty of apples, and the boys seem to have enjoyed themselves. I finally finished our apple pie on Wednesday only to find that neither kid is really into eating apple pie at the moment. Their loss...

Matt the scarecrow

Looking at gourds and pumpkins

Saying hi to the chicken

Picking apples

Matt trying out the rocking chair on the farmstand's porch

After we picked apples the boys had fun running through the burlap maze. I'm not sure they actually solved it; they took a number of shortcuts under and through. But they got out lots of energy!

Overall a fun fall morning!

Down on the Farm and Playground

The Thursday before last we went to a special Down on the Farm event at a local day damp, and then we headed over to the playground to meet up with a friend.

Down on the Farm

Baby goat




Andy sweeping the cottage
Going camping

A musical interlude from Andy

Gathering (pretend) eggs

Hard at work in the garage, their favorite mini building

On stage

Matt going for a pony ride

Playing with kinetic sand

Andy at school
Andy sweeping the general store

Matt giving animals a check up at the vet

Drive thru diner: I'll have an ice cream cone to go, please!


Andy loves to climb up, then slide down slides on his belly.

Giving the merry go round a push

Going for a swing

Matt climbing up with his friend

Whee! Someone enjoys going around and around.

Bonus: Matt not only goes to school, he also now has a bike with training wheels. He picked out a Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles bike (luckily he only knows TNMT from his toothpaste, shoes, pajamas, and bike) and a Spiderman helmet. Pedaling is still hard for him, but thanks to his balance bike he's adjusting well to it otherwise. Perhaps next summer we can raise or even take off the training wheels!

Here he goes!