Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Silly Monkey Brothers

One of these is Matthew (at 3 months old), the other Andrew (at 2 months old). Same Silly Monkey pajamas, same couch, same pillows and blanket.
Yes, my children look related.
Can you tell the difference?

Clue #1: Andy has a squarer face.

Still no?

Clue #2: Andy has darker hair and more of it at this age.

Still not sure?

Clue #3: Matt's complexion is fairer.

Still stumped?

Matt is on the left, Andy on the right.
For the record, they are developing into different individuals with their own strengths, talents, and interests. They just can't deny they are brothers.

Monday, September 26, 2016

The First Day of Autumn at the Zoo

This past Thursday we took advantage of one of our last warm, summer-like days to visit one of the zoos in the area we had not yet seen. It was a big zoo with lots of animals to see and some interesting features, including a train ride through woodlands and past wetlands, a deer park where you can feed the deer (we skipped that part since we inadvertently feed deer regularly at our house), and a bird exhibit where you can feed the birds. We had a busy day!





Tigers (yes, one is white)


Prairie dogs

We took a ride on the Elk Express train.

The passengers, one very excited to ride the train, the other asleep the entire time

One of the elk in the woods

Water birds

Some of the many monkeys

In the deer park



In the reptile house 

Being watched by a monitor

Watching turtles

Feeding the parakeets in the aviary

Guinea pigs

Andrew's Week 9

Yesterday Andy was 2 months old, and today he is 9 weeks old.

Look at my feet!

I've already posted about our hike yesterday, and when I get a chance I'll post about our outing last Thursday.. The rest of the week we were pretty busy, too. Matt started his sports class on Monday, we ran errands on Tuesday and Friday (especially since Matt seems to have come down with a cold after the middle of the week), and Wednesday we went to the children's museum for music class (where we didn't last long since Matt wanted to play with their new toys instead), the library for story time (Andy lasts about 10-15 minutes), and then the playground. It was a lot for Andy to sleep through.

Tummy time

Play time

Working on balance like big brother

Waiting for bedtime stories with big brother

Backyard fun
Happy baby

With me

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Happy 2-Month Birthday, Andrew!

Today Andy is 2 months old. He has his check-up later this week, so we'll get the official word on how much he has grown then. In the meantime I've put away his 3-6-month sizes, gotten the box ready for when he outgrows the 6-month sizes, and prepared the 6-9-month ones to put in his dresser. He has been going through a growth spurt the past few days, and I swear the past two days he has been bigger when he wakes up. He is also starting to drool a little, in addition to his game of blowing (spit) bubbles, so he may be going through more of those bigger outfits more quickly soon.

Andy is not only big and strong, he is also a happy little guy and a sharp cookie. His smiles come easily and often. He also likes to chatter on, and he can demand full attention for his conversations. (Someone isn't going to be shy about competing with big brother in that department!) He continues to explore his hands and legs, and he still gets excited when he can cause something to happen when he moves them or when he can feel different textures, like the difference between a blanket and the grass or between my skin and my shirt. He really wants to have full control over his movements and is working hard at that. His eyesight is improving; today we noticed how well he followed Jon as he walked across the room. And he seems to make connections very well for someone who hasn't been around very long. He had figured out that my nursing pillow meant food by the end of his first week, and he continues to pick up on things like that. He has figured out he has a captive audience for one on one attention during diaper changes and at bedtime, for example.

Andy is not unlike Matt as a baby, but he is clearly his own person and does things his own way. Andy's favorite position is on his back with his feet straight up in the air. It's not uncommon for me to glance over at him as he is stirring from his sleep to see his legs kicking and pushing his blanket or sleep sack up above his tummy. (Probably because of that action he has managed to roll himself from flat on his back to his side once - so far.) He also still likes to "stand" with assistance. Needless to say he is developing quite a lot of muscle underneath the chub in his legs. Andy loves to be held and carried but also doesn't mind being put down for a little while. (In fact, he almost demands it after a long car ride or stint in my carrier.) He can entertain himself pretty well for a few minutes at a time.

Andy has been eating and sleeping quite well. Towards the end of this past week he began sleeping consistently for a 7-8 hour stretch at night. He then usually wakes up right after 7, around the time that Matt starts stirring. They both have been going to bed around the same time, and they will share a bath, too (although Andy is in his infant tub inside the big bathtub).

Today we took advantage of the beautiful early fall weather and went for a family "hike" at a nearby state park. We stumbled upon a storybook walk (with the pages of a book placed at intervals along a trail). Andy slept almost the whole time while Matt wore his legs out stepping over the roots. Unfortunately my hands were too full to take photos, but I do have some other photos of the two month old from today:

Post breakfast hanging out on the couch

Rockin' in his rocker

Looking at the baby in the mirror

Playing on his kick & play mat

Watching big brother play with cars and tell stories about the (pretend) animals that have been getting in his cars' garage

Monday, September 19, 2016

Andrew's Week 8

Andy is now 8 weeks old.
The 8 week old is getting so strong!

He is gaining more voluntary control over his limbs and expressions. He will stick his tongue out at you if you stick yours out at him.

He still naps whenever he can get one. Here he is napping during big brother's playgroup.

But he likes to play and enjoy the outdoors, too.

He likes that he can make his seat rock, and he can even kick the toy bugs. On his play mat he very quickly figured out how to kick the keyboard and is already working on using his hands to touch the toys that hang from it. This kid has ambitions of catching up to big brother very quickly!