Monday, May 8, 2017

A New to Us Children's Museum

On Sunday we visited a new to us children's museum in the next state over. It was a great visit, and we'll definitely be back.

The museum had a water play area. Matt wasn't too sure about some of the exhibits, but Andy was in his element. That child loves playing in any sort of water.

Connecting the pipes for the water vapor

Rolling the balls down the water ramp

Squirting water on the mirror and squeegeeing it off

Mr. Splashy Splash

The museum also had lots of neat things to build with.

Building a sailboat

And there was a fun wall to play with colors using acrylic tubes, a board with holes, and lights.

Working together

Andy almost didn't want to leave this part!

Back to building...

Building a ramp

Building a circuit

We then made it upstairs.

Construction zone

This ship has been boarded.

The museum also featured historical moments from the state's history.

With the introduction of livestock in 1640

In the 1640 house

Hoisting the sail on the 1892 ship

Checking out the provisions on board the 1892 ship

Shopping for frutas y vegetales at the mid-20th-century Dominican mercado

We also ate lunch at a local barbecue place which actually turned out to be quite good.

Andy enjoying some cornbread, brisket, Texas toast, and pulled pork.

To no one's surprise, both boys were fast asleep within minutes of climbing back into the car!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Matthew at 3 1/2 Years Old

Yesterday Matt turned three and a half years old.

Matt is still much the same as he was at three years of age, especially in terms of his personality as well as interests. He is able to complete more complex tasks. Recently he started being able to put together his Legos just from looking at pictures. And he and his friends interact more as they devise more complicated games and stories.

Matt continues to grow. He measured at 41 1/2 inches the other day (although that was with boots on). He has definitely grown taller since his birthday; his 5T shirts, 4T pants, and size 10 shoes are not as large as they were a couple of months ago. He is not yet 40 pounds, though.

We spent the morning of Matt's half birthday at the children's museum.

Building with large Legos

Making sailboats

Brushing the dog at the vet's / doctor's office

Flapping his butterfly wings

Running through the outdoor play space as a butterfly

Digging for dinosaur bones

Thursday, May 4, 2017

April 2017 Recap

As you may have guessed from past posts, April was a full month for us. Here are the rest of our April events and doings:

We have been enjoying the Art & Nature program at the Mass Audubon museum.

Making a clay frog

Trying to catch fairy shrimp (somehow Matt caught a spider instead)

Putting the finishing touches on his cardinals (Charley Harper style)

Looking under stumps for bugs

Making thumbprint ants

Matt finished his third round of Mini Athletes.

Doing his stretches

Running the bases

We attended programs at the library (which is currently undergoing renovation, so library program photos will look different next month!).

Playing with his friend

Doing crafts

I forgot to include this at Easter time, but we went to a bunnies and chicks petting zoo near the football stadium.

Holding a baby bunny

Holding a chick

We went to several playgrounds, including one that's new to us.

Sliding backwards

Chasing his friends

More slide fun

On the way home, we stopped at a nearby dairy bar / ice cream stand.

Matt enjoying his ice cream

Studying the calf 

Looking at the chickens

Matt went to the Museum of Science with Dada.

Playing with perspective

Having fun in the museum gift shop

And of course we had plenty of fun at home inside...

 Making oobleck on April Fool's Day

Constructing an umbrella

Reading a book I had as a child

Painting with finger paints in a perhaps unconventional way

Not feeling well snuggles

Lego building

Playing games with Dada

... and outside.

Playing with his new turtle bubble wand

Planting some seeds

Scooting around