Monday, March 27, 2017

Andrew's Weeks 34 & 35

I'll use this post to catch up on some photos of Andy. I also forgot to catch up on some milestones for him when I posted that he was 8 months old.

I can't believe I forgot to post that Andy signed his first word last week. On Wednesday I reviewed the "milk" sign with him. Then, later that day, he crawled over to me while fussing. He pulled up to stand and furiously squeezed his little fists, which is apparently his approximation of the sign. He promptly nursed, so that was definitely what he wanted. He has repeated that multiple times, so it was no accident. We'll have to be consistent with a few more signs since he is ready to communicate. (But don't worry - he'll be walking before he's talking if he has anything to do with it!)

Just smiling

Fighting with the cat over the "new cat bed" / baby changing pad

Someone just barely fits under the kitchen table...

Yes, he has already figured out how to open - and close - cabinets. (He's already closed a few drawers on his fingers, too.)

"Follow me!"

Examining big brother's puzzle pieces

Being cute while standing, his favorite pastime

First time in the tower - I think he likes it!

In the "boat" with Dada and Matt

Happy baby after a bath

A couple of weeks ago Jon put Andy right in the bathtub with Matt, so no more baby bathtub for him. Andy couldn't be happier. He crawls all over and splashes, having a great time. (This has led to cries of "Andy, stop splashing" and "Don't get me wet!" from Matt.)

Waiting for big brother at sports class

Going for a walk with Mama, Matt, and friends

Getting a push on the swings from big brother

 Checking out the pine needles

"Reading" the baby books at the library

Awake after a long nap...

Andy has also dropped his late nap and is down to two naps a day. He prefers to take one long, as in 2-3 hour, nap. Usually he'll take it in the early afternoon, but he's still a little flexible on time since he often naps in the car. That short cat nap is often enough to recharge him for several hours now. Andy often lies quietly after his nap, unlike Matt who was always shouting for someone to come get him as soon as he opened his eyes. Maybe it's the luck of being the second, maybe it's personality, but Andy seems to appreciate getting some quiet time to himself when he can.

Getting more confident with his standing

Bugging big brother during his quiet time

Playing away

Exploring the sports equipment lying around during big brother's sports class

Enjoying some Cheerios - and feeding himself 1 or 2 for the first time. He doesn't quite have the pincer grasp down yet, and he doesn't consistently make it to his mouth, but he's getting there.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Happy 8-Month Birthday, Andrew!

Andrew is 8 months old today!

Andy is feeling much better after the cold turned croup and ear infection of almost two weeks ago. He seems to be working on some more teeth, though, so he's not entirely back to his usually happy and determined self all the time. But he was in a great mood today! He was crawling everywhere, pulling up to stand and cruising as much as possible, and alternating between making one of his favorite sounds, "bivvvv," and blowing raspberries while sticking his tongue out.

Andy has gained so much confidence in his moving over the past few weeks. He has increased his speed with his crawling, although he still primarily thinks of crawling as a way to get to an object or person he can use to pull himself up to stand. He appreciates being able to spend time exploring on his own. He has mastered the step up from the living room but is still figuring out how to get back down. We've had to readjust the hook on the downstairs bathroom door to allow Matt and the cat in as needed but keep Andy out. (Andy can't pass up splashing all of the water out of the cat's water dish.)

Andy is still working on his pincer grasp and isn't quite ready for finger foods yet. But he is enjoying his expanding menu. Since I last updated he has tried potato, turnip, zucchini, and beets; peach, nectarine, cherry, and papaya; and nutmeg, thyme, and ginger. Of those his favorites were peaches, cherries, and papaya. He actually likes his vegetables, including root vegetables, although he didn't think much of potatoes by themselves.

The tower has a new occupant, who is very pleased with his suddenly higher vantage point. 

Crawling through the tunnel for the first time and very much enjoying it

Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2017!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We aren't doing much to celebrate except the traditional wearing o' the green and maybe some bangers and mash and/or shamrock-shaped ravioli for dinner.

Both boys wore green pajamas last night. Here they are goofing around before breakfast:



We then went to an indoor splashpad. With the sprinklers and very shallow puddles it wasn't really a good fit for Andy's age. He did a little bit of splashing and then decided he was good.

Matt doesn't like to get much above his waist wet, and he especially protests if anything on his head gets wet. So he basically stayed at this sprinkler the whole time we were there. He did figure out just about every variation on how to alter the spray!

After this coming weekend's snow maybe spring and eventually summer will be on their way for good!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Pi(e) Day 2017

Today was a snow day, and both boys were recovering from being sick (Matt has had a cold, Andy's cold led to croup and an ear infection). So it was a good day to stay home. Since it was also 3/14, or Pi Day, Matt helped me make a peach pie. Matt decided he liked the ice cream better, but Andy enjoyed his first taste of peach (he just got frozen peach in a teething feeder).

Yummy peach

Trying out the pie

Andrew's Week 33

This past week ended up being rather eventful for us. The highlight of last week may have bene the visit from Uncle Vic. The low light was Andy getting sick. Yesterday (Monday), we headed into the doctor to check on Andy's nasty cough. It turns out the poor little guy had the beginnings of an ear infection and croup. With a winter storm fast approaching, we made plans on what to do if things got worse before they got better, but luckily we haven't had to use them (and the storm was downgraded from a blizzard with 12-18" of snow to eventually 5" of snow and some rain).

Anyway, here was our week before sickness hit:

Watching his big brother do his dinosaur faces sticker book

As of this past week Andy can clap his hands. Here he is mid-clap.

Playing dinosaurs

Holding Rocket, the stuffed dog, while Dada and Matt play dinosaurs

After library story time

Doing a study on infant language learning

Snuggling with Mama and Matt in bed

At an indoor play space

With Curious George (and dressed in his matching sweatshirt) at the library "March of the Stuffed Animals" STEAM program

Saturday morning fun with Mama

Drawing on the chalkboard with Matt

Someone tackled the stairs for the first time. He made it to the third stair before being scooped up. And, yes, the cat was his inspiration.

Got you, kitty!

Peacefully sleeping

Going through big brother's supplies at the easel

Making goofy faces

Holding his arm out

Baby's first selfie?